Happy Hours

Serotonin support for bright, balanced moods.

Happy Hours is your natural support for low moods, depression, PMS moods and life’s-a-bit-too-much moods. Also handy for hormones and getting in ‘the mood’ (looking at you, libido).

Our Eve Test data shows high usage of antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds, in fact,  it’s the most common medication we see by far.  But when we looked for natural ways to support moods and mental wellbeing alongside antidepressants we came up short…

Most mood supplements rely on ingredients like St John’s Wort or 5-HTP but these are contraindicated with antidepressants. Why make a mood product if it can’t help the people who need it most!? That's why we've created Happy Hours.


  • Contains organic, sustainably sourced Zaffronel® Saffron 30 mg (standardised to ensure high levels of active Safranal, crocin and picrocrocin) which has been well researched to show antidepressant & anti anxiety effects, boost libido, decrease inflammation, and support hormone balance while reducing PMS.
  • Contains 1000 IU of Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol) to protect the brain against negative effects of chronic stress and overwhelm, boosts production of our happy neurochemicals, and has neuroprotective effects.

These two ingredients have been heavily researched for their mood-boosting effects. Both for those on, and off, antidepressants.

Happy Hours training video

A quick 7 minute training video to learn about why we made it.

Happy Hours FAQs

Is Happy Hours pregnancy friendly?

  • Unfortunately Happy Hours is not safe for those pregnant or breastfeeding - due to the fact that saffron hasn't been studied during pregnancy, so we like to err on the side of caution here.

Who can take Happy Hours?

  • Happy Hours is safe for those aged 12+ experiencing low moods, and is safe to take alongside anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds. Happy Hours would also be a great helping hand for the transition off the above medications.

Can I take Happy Hours with other Eve supplements?

  • Totally, Happy Hours can be taken with all other Eve products! Our range of Eve supplements are designed to target key concerns and work together beautifully. Combine Happy Hours with Chill Pills as the ultimate duo for mood support. Or, combine Happy Hours with Period Pal to send PMS packing.

Is Happy Hours vegan?

  • No, Happy Hours is not vegan, as the Vit D is sourced from lanolin, however Happy Hours is vegetarian friendly, not to mention gluten free, soy/dairy/corn/GMO free

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