Turn Me On
Your best sex life is ripe for the taking.
Eve Turn Me On was created for the Evies who want to reach up and grab that forbidden fruit – or, in this case a functioning libido – because if you want it, you can take it. Combining tribulus terrestris, zinc & selenium to support sexual function & a healthy libido, Turn Me On is for those who miss their mojo but live in a busy & stressful modern world where sex is just another thing on the to-do list.
- Designed for adults of all genders. For every age & stage, including perimenopausal & post-menopausal libido struggles.
- Tribulus has been well-studied & shown to improve sexual desire, increase sexual satisfaction, reduce symptoms of ED in men & enhance libido in women.
- Boosts fertility in all bodies, plus supports sperm & egg quality.
Turn Me On training video
A quick 5 minute training video to learn about why we made it.

Turn Me On FAQs
Is Turn Me On suitable for vegans?
- Yes, Turn Me On is vegan and vegetarian friendly.
Can men take Turn Me On?
- Yes! Because Turn Me On doesn't play around with sex hormones (which is why most libido products aren't designed for all genders to take), anyone who is experiencing trouble with their libido can take this product.
Can Turn Me On be taken during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding?
- Similar to other herbal products, we recommend avoiding Turn Me On during this stage of life due to the herbal ingredient in this product.
How long does Turn Me On take to see improvements in libido?
- Think of tribulus as the 'sexy adaptogen' - and similar to other adaptogens it takes a bit of time to help you see the full benefits. Research on the libido-boosting benefits of tribulus shows improvements in as little as 4 weeks. Some people may feel the benefits faster than this but give it a month - all good things take time.
Can you take Turn Me On with HRT?
- You sure can. HRT & MHT provide the body with a small dose of sex hormones that help to ease symptoms of the menopausal transition. Tribulus, on the other hand, does not provide sex hormone support. Instead, it buffers our stress system helping us to feel more relaxed, better slept and in the mood. Whilst sex hormones play a role in our libido, stress is the ultimate bedroom playtime killer. When we feel stressed, overwhelmed and under slept, our libido dives and sex gets deprioritised, becoming the last thing we need or want to do on our "to-do" list.
Can you take Turn Me On alongside medications?
- Yes, Turn Me On is safe to take for those who are taking antidepressants, antipsychotics, OCP, blood pressure meds, etc. Just take 2 hours away from any medications.
If taking for preconception (either gender), how long does it take to reap the benefits?
- It takes our bodies roughly 100 days to produce a quality egg or a quality sperm cell. The more well-nourished the bodies are during these 100 days, the better chance these cells have of meeting and combining forces to begin the process of making a new life. Give your body 3 months minimum.
Can you take Turn Me On with other Eve supplements?
- Absolutely, the Eve range is designed to compliment each other, so you can take Turn Me On alongside any other Eve supp. For an additional boost for stress, mood and libido, we'd recommend combining Turn Me On with Brighter Mood.