Studies have shown that uncontrolled blood sugars can = uncontrolled skin 🥴 Whether have a perfect skin care routine, or eating well 95% of the time, we all have our off days.
How can you improve your insulin levels - and your skin? Well...sometimes it's best to work from the inside out.
- Protein and Fat: Start your day with a protein and fat to anchor your blood sugar. Eg, eggs with avo.
- Snacks: Don't go too long between meals. Small snacks containing fats and protein helps keep blood sugar stable.
- Sugar: Reduce your sugar intake or swap sweets out for blood sugar friendly sweets (eg. date with PB, dark chocolate).
- Stress: Manage your stress - get adequate sleep, not overdoing HIIT.
- Blood Sugar Babe: Make friends with the queen of blood sugar balance - loaded with 4000mg of Myoinositol per serve, proven to support Imbalanced blood sugars can be lying behind tricky issues such as hormonal acne 👏