5 Ways To Spring Clean Your Mind With Self Care
Incorporating self care practises into your daily routine helps to lower stress levels, and lowering stress levels has a lovely flow-on effect on our hormones. Here are 5 free and...
Incorporating self care practises into your daily routine helps to lower stress levels, and lowering stress levels has a lovely flow-on effect on our hormones. Here are 5 free and...
The star of lockdown season one, banana bread, is ready for its comeback. It’s easy to make, uses ingredients you probably already have at home, and contains gluten free whole-grains...
The notion that a healthy outside starts on the inside is nothing new. Which is great, because ‘glowing from the inside out’ is a health trend we can totally get...
Ah, hormonal acne—those pesky, painful, pimples that show up on your chin, jawline, cheeks and neck at The. Worst. Times. Aren’t you supposed to shake off acne in your teen...
In this third instalment of our cycle series, we’re taking a closer look at the third phase of your cycle: the ovulatory phase. We talk a lot about ovulation, and...
As part of our cycle series, we’re taking a closer look at the 4 different hormonal phases of the menstrual cycle and how you can live your best life, no...
If you’re anything like we were, from the time you found out that periods were a thing you haven’t really understood exactly what happens every month, and that’s ok. Aside...
Anyone with a uterus will probably be able to tell you—with some passion—that dealing with an ever fluctuating dance of hormones can be quite a complex thing to do. Sometimes...
In case you’ve been living under a rock, the ketogenic diet is the latest buzz in health spheres. It’s a way of eating that cuts out carbs almost completely, claiming...
It’s a common misconception that losing your period for months or even years at a time ‘just happens’, ‘is nothing to worry about,’ and our favourite myth: is ‘totally fine...
We get it, hormones can be confusing! They’re biochemicals that can't be seen or touched, but are powerful enough to make us feel like heaven or hell. Feeling ‘hormonal,’ isn’t...
Mental and emotional stress impacts our physical health in a whole range of different ways and our periods and reproductive health are no exception. 1. Be prepared for an early...
Periods are meant to be painful, right? Wrong—period cramps are common, but they are far from a normal state of the body. In fact pain in general is often a...
It’s no secret that our hormones affect how we think and feel. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed or tearful for no apparent reason, only to get your period the next...
Not all that long ago, researchers figured out something that women have known first-hand for a long time—we naturally eat more or less during different phases of our menstrual cycle....
This blog has been written by Lauren, our Marketing & Content Executive. One thing I’ve learnt in my early 20’s is that you never realise just how much of your...